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​We are an advocacy group that supports organic home-gardening. After WWII ended the government stopped encouraging Americans to plant victory gardens. As a result we saw the price of food rise, because of the decrease in quantity supplied. Here we supply an easy information source on how to get your victory garden started! In this site you can find instructions on how to first get started planting your own victory garden. Gardeners can also learn how to further the lifespan of their garden using organic, and eco-friendly techniques. Finally, you will find a reference guide on where to locate the best sources for buying seeds and other supplies. 


Benefits of Organic Gardening

  • Reduce chemical runoff and protect water sources from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
  • Reduce waste by composting food scraps
  • Reduce the import of food, which requires use of fossil fuels and destruction of ecosystems
  • Helps to remove carbon dioxide from the air by sequestering it
  • Eat foods that are high in nutrients and essential vitamins
  • Save money on your grocery bill!

Reduce your carbon footprint- with smarter gardening techniques

Industrial Agriculture vs. Organic Gardening

According to the EPA, industrial agriculture is responsible for more than 70% of all river and stream pollution, and over exploitation of water resources​.

Organic gardening conserves scares water resources and protects local aquifers from being contaminated with pollutants.


According to the EPA, over 1 billion tons of pesticides ar​e used in the U.S. every year.  Excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers can cause soil erosion and pollution.


Organic gardening uses alternative pest-resistant methods, and prohibits the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

17% of all fossil fuels in the U.S. are used by industrial practices including plowing fields, transporting foods, and making fertilizers. ​ 







Organic gardening uses 60%less fossil fuels per unit of food production by using less intensive methods of production.

Industrial agriculture relies on monoculture crops and genetically engineered crops, which reduce genetic diversity.

Organic gardening increases diversity, and are also wildlife havens for native species.  Insect and bird life can increase by 50% in an organic garden. 

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